Today I want to give you a peak into one of my favorite Saturdays I’ve had in a while. During the week Chelsea and I talked schedules and realized that we both had no plans or events on Saturda apart from a double date for the first time in a long time. So we decided to just spend the day together.
We decided to start our day with a trip into DC in the morning for some coffee.

I researched coffee spots and decide La Calombe was the place to check out. I walked in and saw there was no menu in site near the register. I asked the nearest barista for a menu and she proceeded to tell me how I didn’t need a menu because they’re simple and serve espresso or espresso with milk yada yada yada.
Side note: This is what I hate about specialty coffee culture. I didn’t need to be educated, I needed a menu so I could read my options. In her exposition around why I didn’t need a menu, she failed to state what their pour over options were… which was the whole reason why I was there.
So I ordered Chelsea’s drink just to get this woman out of my face. Then was soon directed by another barista to their little tiny menu on the corner of their counter that had their pour over options. After driving 45 minutes to have one of their cups of coffee, my experience was starting at 50 percent satisfaction rate. Thankfully the coffee I received was amazing, but that place will never get my money again. I didn’t ask for your essay on coffee, I asked for a menu. /rant
Here are some pics of the goods though 🙂
After deciding that I wasn’t going to buy a bag of coffee from La Colombe, I checked Maps to see if Chinatown Coffee was near by. Thankfully it was only a couple blocks away so we packed up and headed over there.
My experience at Chinatown Coffee was much much better. I was greeted by the barista who asked what they could do for me. I asked for their opinion on a good single-origin to pick up and decided on a bean from Brazil. I also ordered a cortado which the barista decided was on the house since I was picking up a bag.
The cortado I had was served with seltzer water on the side and was amazing as well as larger than expected. Chinatown Coffee will now be getting all my dollars when I’m in that area. Looking forward to coming back when my friends are working.
After my cortado, we headed out of the city to hit up my Nana’s place to fix her internet. We got some food from Santini’s and picked up some wine for the night before we watched a movie and chilled until date time.
Around 6 we got ready to head out to Falls Church for our date. I was feeling the light as Chelsea locked her door so I forced her to wait a second so I could take some pictures 🙂
We then left for Falls Church to meet up with some of our favorite people. I got their and snapped a pic through the window as they did their last taste testers before they caught me creeping. We all got comfy and indulged on some wine which would set the tone for a wonderfully satisfying night. The food was amazing, and after some quick cleanup we took our little party to the back patio.
We broke out some cigars as we snuggled up around the candle-lit table, tasting chocolates and commenting on their complexities. We talked and laughed until we couldn’t stand the cold any longer so we headed inside. With bellies full and conversation drifting, we called an end to an enjoyable night.
Hope you enjoyed!
Love this!! Also Chinatown Coffee is G O L D! Great shots!